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Special Features

  1. 490+ hours live Classes.
  2. Free Test Series (120 + Tier - 1 & 50 + Tier - 2 Mock Tests).
  3. 6000 + Practice Questions based on New Exam Pattern.
  4. 24× 7 Dedicated Whatsapp Group for Doubt Solving.
  5. Updated Study Material based on New Exam Pattern.
  6. Monthly Current Affairs Magazine + Infograph booklet.
  7. Every Week Performance Analysis session with Faculties & Experts.
  8. Live Discussion of important Mock Tests before exam.
तिथि एवं समय 17th Oct, 2022, 10 AM
SSC CGL/CHSL/CPO Online Batch 2022 ₹ 4,999*  ₹ 2,499

(सभी करों सहित)

Limited Period Offer


हमारा कार्यक्रम क्यों चुनें?

490 + Live Hours Classes - 490 + Hours Live Classes के माध्यम से New Exam Pattern के आधार पर सम्पूर्ण Syllabus को Detailed तरीके से पढ़ाया जाएगा तथा इस बात पर विशेष ध्यान रखा जाएगा की Fundamental Concepts के साथ-साथ Tricks & Techniques भी सिखायी जाएँ।

200+ Mock tests - SSC CGL/CHSL/CPO 2022 की परीक्षा में निश्चित सफलता हेतु आवश्यक है कि छात्र New Exam Pattern अधिक से अधिक Mock Tests दें और इसी के लिए 120 + CGL-Tier - I के Mock Tests, 50 + CGL Tier-2 के Mock Tests तथा 30 + CHSL Tier-I के Exclusive Mock Tests का Access छात्रों को दिया जाएगा।

24×7 Doubt Solving - छात्रों हेतु एक Dedicated Whatapp Group जिसके माध्यम से छात्र अपने Doubts कभी भी पूछ सकते हैं।

Updated Study Material based on New Exam Pattern- SSC CGL/ CHSL/ CPO में वर्तमान में परीक्षा के बदलते प्रारुप के अनुसार परीक्षा हेतु अत्यंत उपयोगी Study Material की PDF छात्रों को Student Portal पर उपलब्ध करायी जाएगी।

Monthly Current Affairs Magazine + Infograph Booklet - SSC CGL/CHSL व CPO की Tier- I की परीक्षा के GS Section में 25% से ज्यादा प्रश्न Current Affairs Section से आते हैं अत: छात्रों को विशेष रुप से तैयार Monthly Current Affairs Magazine तथा तथ्यों को आसानी से तैयार किया जा सके इसके लिए Exam Oriented facts के Infographs की Booklet प्रदान की जाएगी।

Performance Analysis Sessions - छात्रों का Selection सुनिश्चित करने के लिए प्रत्येक सप्ताह Test में आए उनके अंको के आधार पर Analysis व Experts के साथ उनका Performance Analysis Session होगा जिससे उनकी तैयारी में Progress को सुनिश्चित किया जा सके।

Demo Video Lectures


1. SSC CGL (New Exam Pattern)


  1. Tier-1 will be of qualifying nature. Its marks would not be used in preparing the merit list.
  2. Selection will be done entirely on the basis on marks obtained in Tier- II Exam.
  3. There is a negative marking of 0.50 Marks for each wrong answer.
  4. There is no provision of sectional cut off .

Tier -II Computer Based Exam -Objective

Tier-II will include conducting of Paper-I, Paper-II and Paper-III in separate shift(s)/ day(s).

S. No. Papers Time Allotted
1 Paper-I: (Compulsory for all posts) 2 hours 30 minutes
2 Paper-II: Junior Statistical Officer (JSO) 2 hours
3 Paper-III: Assistant Audit Officer/ Assistant Accounts Officer – only for those candidates who are shortlisted in Tier-I for Paper-III 2 hours

There will be a negative marking of 1 mark for each wrong answer in Paper-I and and 0.50 marks for each wrong answer in Paper-II and Paper-III

Paper 1 Exam Pattern

Sections Module Subject No. of Questions Marks Duration
Section I Module-I Mathematical Abilities 30 90 1 hour
Module-II Reasoning and General Intelligence 30 90
Section II Module-I English Language and Comprehension 45 135 1 hour
Module-II General Awareness 25 75
Section III Module-I Computer Knowledge Test 20 60 15 minutes
Module-II Data Entry Speed Test (DEST) Data Entry Task 15 minutes
  • Paper-I will be conducted in two sessions - Session –I & Session-II, on same day.
  • Session-I will include conducting of Section-I, Section-II and Session-II will include conducting of Section- III. It will be mandatory for the candidates to qualify all the sections of Paper-I.
  • DEST will be mandatory for all the posts; however it will be qualifying in nature.

Paper 2 & 3 Exam Pattern

Paper Section No. of question Maximum Marks Duration
Paper II Statistics 100 200 2 hours
Paper III General Studies (Finance and Economics) 100 200 2 hours


Tier-I Exam Pattern:

Section Subject
(Not in sequence)
Number of Questions Maximum Marks Time Duration
(For all four Parts)
I English Language
(Basic Knowledge)
25 50 60 Minutes
(80 Minutes for PWD candidates)
II General Intelligence 25 50
III Quantitative Aptitude (Basic Arithmetic Skill) 25 50
IV General Awareness 25 50
Total Questions 100 200
Note: There will be a negative marking of 0.50 marks for each wrong answer.

Tier-II Exam Pattern:

Section Subject Number of Questions Maximum Marks Time allowed
Session-I (2 hours and 15 minutes) Section – I:
Module-I: Mathematical Abilities
Module-II: Reasoning and General Intelligence
Total = 60
60*3 = 180 1 hour (for each section) (1 hour and 20 minutes for PWD candidates
Section – II:
Module-I: English Language and Comprehension
Module-II: General Awareness
Total = 60
60*3 = 180
Section – III:
Module-I: Computer KnowledgeModule
15 15*3 = 45 15 Minutes (20 minutes for PWD candidates)
Session-II Section-III:
Module-II: Skill Test/ Typing Test Module
Part A: Skill
Test for
- 15 Minutes (20 minutes for PWD candidates)
Part B:
Typing Test
for LDC/ JSA.
- 10 Minutes (15 minutes for PWD candidates)

Note 1: It will be mandatory for the candidates to qualify all the sections of Tier-II.

Note 2: Module-I of Section-III i.e. Computer Knowledge Test is mandatory but qualifying in nature.

Note 3: There will be a negative marking of 1 mark for each wrong answer in Section-I, Section-II and Module-I of Section-III.


Qualification required: Graduation

Age limit: 20-25 years

Post: Sub Inspector in Delhi police & CAPF, ASI in CISF

Pattern of Exam: Objectives

Mode of Examination: Online Computer Based

PET / PST: Those candidates who will clear Tier- I exam is called for PET/PST exam. In this running, long jump, high jump & Short put is included.

Tier II: Successful candidate of PET/PST is called for Tier –II and a combined merit list is prepared on the basis on Tier (I + II) marks.

Note: There will be negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer in both T – 1 & T – 2.


Total time: 2 Hours

Subjects Questions Marks
General Intelligence & Reasoning 50 50
General Awareness 50 50
English Language 50 50
Quantitative Aptitude 50 50
Total 200 200


Total time: 2 Hours

Subjects Questions Marks
English Language & Comprehension 200 200


    Male Candidates:

  • 100 metre race in 16 seconds

  • 1.6 Km Race in 6.5 minutes

  • Long Jump: 3.65 metres in 5 chances

  • High Jump: 1.2 metres in 3 chances

  • Short put 16 LBS: 4.5 metres in 3 chances

    Female Candidates:

  • 100 metre race in 18 seconds

  • 800 metre race in 4 minutes

  • Long Jump: 2.7 metres or 9 feet in 3 chances

  • High Jump: 0.9 metres or 3 feet in 3 chances

  • Short put 16 LBS: 4.5 metres in 3 chances

Our Results

Vivek Gautam
Rahul Khare
Manish Singh
Excise Inspector
Anshul Malik
Section Officer
Ishi Sinha
Shrashti Gautam
UP Police- Computer Operator
Rahul Kushwaha
UPPCL Nodal Officer
Ashok Nagar
Indian Railways TCM
Pankaj Pal
Ashish Balmik
UP Police & Indian Railways

Our Centers


532, Ramlal Kapoor Marg, opposite Signature View Apartment, Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi, 110009

Email: info@galaxyclasses.co.in

Phone Number: +91 7042496042, +91 8010447711

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B-22, 1st Floor,Sector-K ,Aliganj, Lucknow-226024

Email: galaxykapoorthala@gmail.com

Phone Number: +91 8448289258

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533/1 Main Kapoorthala Chauraha Royal Chamber, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 226024

Email: galaxykapoorthala@gmail.com

Phone Number: +91 7235808540, +91 7235808541

  Google Map


49, Shakuntalam, Karmer Road,Rajendra Nagar, Orai-285001

Email: galaxyclassesorai@gmail.com

Phone Number: +91 7235808597, +91 7235808598

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