Rubber Board
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Rubber Board

Sat 21 Sep, 2024


  • The Rubber Board recently signed an agreement with Hyderabad based Tech company 'TRST01' to develop a portal to support the Indian exporters of Rubber to Europe.

Key Highlights

  • The European Union Deforestation Regulations come into effect from January 1, 2025 and exporters of natural rubber or products made of natural rubber to the EU need to submit a due diligence certificate.
  • So, this portal will help the large and small exporters of India to so.
  • The rubber plantation owners who export or supply to exporters need to submit land details for the certificate on the portal.

Rubber Board of India

  • The Rubber Board of India is a statutory body 
  • It was set up under the Rubber Act, 1947.
  • Nodal Ministry: Ministry of Commerce and Industry.
  • Headquarter: Kottayam, Kerala


The Rubber Board of India has 28 members, including a Chairman appointed by the Central Government –

  • Chairman: The Board is headed by a Chairman appointed by the Central Government.
  • Members: It has 28 members representing various interests of the natural rubber industry.


  • Regulate the export and import of rubber and rubber products.
  • Conduct inspections of rubber plantations and manufacturing facilities.
  • Impose penalties for violations of the Rubber Act.


  • Research and development: Funding research projects to develop new rubber varieties, improve cultivation techniques, and explore new applications for rubber.
  • Technical assistance: Providing technical assistance to rubber growers, including training programs, field demonstrations, and advisory services.
  • Quality control: Setting and enforcing quality standards for rubber products, ensuring that Indian rubber products meet international standards.
  • Market development: Promoting the export of Indian rubber products, identifying new markets, and organizing trade fairs and exhibitions.
  • Data Collection: It collects statistical data on rubber production, consumption, and trade.
  • Price stabilization: Implementing measures to stabilize the price of rubber, protecting the interests of both growers and manufacturers.
  • Welfare schemes: Providing financial assistance and other benefits to rubber growers, including pension schemes, healthcare facilities, and educational opportunities.

Rubber production in India:

  • Temperature: 20°-35°C
  • Rainfall: It requires heavy rainfall. The annual average rainfall of not less than 200 cm.
  • Soil: Deep, friable, well-drained soils are ideal for rubber cultivation.
  • Largest Rubber producing country in the world: Thailand
  • India is the third largest producer, fourth largest consumer of natural rubber and fifth largest consumer of natural rubber and synthetic rubber together in the world.
  • Kerala is the largest producer of rubber in India. Tripura is the second largest producer.

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