Nipah Virus
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Nipah Virus

Mon 22 Jul, 2024


The cases of deaths because of Nipah Virus are increasing in Kerala. Last year in 2023, the first case of Nipah virus was seen in India since the year 2021, in which some people died too.

Nipah virus

  • It is a zoonotic virus that is transmitted from animals to humans.
  • Name: Named after Sungai Nipah, a village in Malaysia where it was first discovered.
  • The virus is an RNA (ribonucleic acid) virus of the order ‘Paramyxoviridae’ and the genus ‘Henipavirus’ and is related to the Hendra viruses.
  • Hendra virus (HeV) infection: Causes severe and often fatal disease in both infected horses and humans.
  • First cases: Malaysia and Singapore in 1998 and 1999

Transmission: The medium for transmitting this disease is fruit bats or flying foxes of the genus Pteropus, the natural sources of Nipah and Hendra viruses.

  • The virus is present in bat's urine, faeces, saliva, and birth fluids.

Symptoms: Encephalitis syndrome with fever, headache, drowsiness, mental confusion, coma and possible death, etc.

Prevention: Despite the first outbreaks of Nipah virus occurring 25 years ago in Malaysia and Singapore, there are currently no approved vaccines or treatments.

Virus formation in bats

A bat's immune system is particularly able to withstand viral infection due to its ability to limit excessive stimulation, which allows the virus to proliferate without being lethal to this mammal.

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