Increasing Elephant Deaths
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Increasing Elephant Deaths

Sat 20 Jul, 2024


  • Kerala’s forests have recorded 845 elephant deaths between 2015 and 2023.

Key Highlights

  • Young elephants, particularly those under 10 years of age, are most at risk of mortality, which is worryingly high at around 40%.
  • Cause of death: Elephant Endotheliotropic Herpesviruses – Haemorrhagic Disease (EEHV-HD)

Larger herds of Elephants have better survival rates:

  • The population estimation report of Elephants underscores the need to restore natural habitats and prevent fragmentation of elephant herds to prevent EEHV-HD.

Key factors contributing to Elephants' susceptibility:

  • Declining population sizes
  • Sensitivity to high temperatures
  • Competition from invasive plant species disrupting their food sources, and 
  • Heightened susceptibility to diseases

India’s Initiatives related to elephant conservation:

  • “Project Elephant”, 1992
  • “RE-HAB” Project, 2021
  • "Plan B": Introduced by North Frontier Railway
  • 33 elephant reserves were established in 14 major elephant-related states.
  • In 2010, it was declared the 'Natural Heritage Animal' of India.

Conservation Status

International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List:

  • African Forest Elephant (Loxodonta Cyclotis)- Critically Endangered
  • African Savanna Elephant (Loxodonta Africana)- Endangered
  • Asian Elephant (Elephas maximus)- Endangered

Convention of the Migratory species (CMS):

  • African Forest Elephant: Appendix II
  • Asian Elephant: Appendix I
  • Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972: Schedule I

Extra Facts:

  • Highest number of elephants: Karnataka (6,049), Assam (5,719) and Kerala (3,054)
  • Country with the largest population of elephants: Botswana
  • World Elephant Day: 12 August

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