01 December, 2024
Anti-Satellite Weapon
Mon 19 Feb, 2024
As per recent news, Russia is actively working towards a formidable new development in space technology, focusing on creating a nuclear anti-satellite (ASAT) weapon which could violate the Outer Space Treaty (OST).
- ASATs have been used to remove decommissioned satellites and to demonstrate a country's ASAT capabilities.
- Russia, in the form of the erstwhile Soviet Union, has had ASAT capabilities since at least 1968.
- In a high-altitude test in 1962 called Starfish Prime, the U.S. detonated a thermonuclear bomb 400 km above ground. It remains the largest nuclear test conducted in space.
- The Soviet Union also conducted such tests around then with similar effects.
- There are many countries which have this capability, but only United States, Russia, China and India have demonstrated their ASAT capabilities.
About ASAT
- Anti-satellite (ASAT) weapons are designed to debilitate and/or destroy satellites that are already in orbit and operational.
- ASATs are classified into two categories on the basis of kinetic energy used:-
- Kinetic energy methods: This involves launching a missile that intercepts and physically collides with the target satellite to destroy it. The kinetic energy ASATs physically collide with satellites and can reach altitudes. These ASATs can be ballistic missiles, drones, and other satellites.
- Non-kinetic methods: They use non-physical attacks such as cyber-attacks, jamming, and even lasers to blind satellites without physically destroying them.
- Other ASAT capabilities include cyber-attacks on space systems, Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP) explosion devices, directed energy (laser-based) weapons and targeted missiles for the destruction of satellites to sabotage the enemy’s military operations.
Outer Space
- Outer space (often called space) consists of the relatively empty regions of the universe outside the atmospheres of celestial bodies.
- Outer space is characterized by extremely low density and pressure, as well as the absence of air and other atmospheric elements.
Treaties on Outer Space
- Following are the treaties on which India is a signatory and The Moon Agreement 1979 is not ratified by India.
- The Outer Space Treaty 1967: Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies.
- Rescue Agreement 1968: Agreement on the Rescue of Astronauts, the Return of Astronauts and the Return of Objects Launched into Outer Space.
- Liability Convention 1972: Convention on International Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objects.
- The Registration Convention 1976: Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space.
- The Moon Agreement 1979: Agreement Governing the Activities of States on the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies.